What's the difference between "special needs" and and "disabled"? A mother of one boy says its more than just words. Food for thoughts. Comments posting are worth browsing through, too.
We've talked about swine flu and schools, but what about special needs children? The New York Times reports.
In Cleveland, doctors and lawyers are teaming up to help special needs children. According to the article, the city has a slightly higher than average portion of students receiving IEP services, but many parents are intimidated by the system. How's the school transportation community teaming to help students? How could it do it better?
The Supreme Court last week heard arguments about whether public schools should pay for educating special needs students in private schools. The Baltimore Sun offers one of several editorials on the issue, concluding:
... funding special education will remain a problem until some form of comprehensive education reform is enacted. Private institutions will never be able to make up for the failures of large numbers of public school special-ed programs that don't work. What's needed are across-the-board improvements in public education that also include raising the quality of instruction and services offered to children with special needs.